What are leaders in the body of Christ saying about Jennifer’s ministry.
Below are a few of her endorsements. Read more of Jennifer’s endorsements here.
Cindy Jacobs Speaks
‘History-Making’ Word Over AHOP
Mike Bickle Prays Multiplication Over Awakening House of Prayer
Bishop Bill Hamon Declares AHOP Pivotal to Great Awakening

A Seasoned Listener
Listening to the voice of God is a learned art, not a gift. Most people never master this skill and, therefore, forfeit life’s greatest pleasure: intimacy with their Creator. I know of no better way to learn this art than reflecting on the words of the Holy Spirit to a seasoned listener — like Jennifer. As you glean from her listening ear and watchful heart you, too, will learn to recognize the voice of your faithful Teacher and Friend, the Holy Spirit.
— Dutch Sheets, author of Intercessory Prayer

Exposing Jezebel
is lifting her voice against an ever-increasing demonic invasion in the church called immorality. She exposes the roots of the Jezebel spirit and offers practical examples of how distorted teachings on the grace of God are allowing this seductive power to have its way in the church.
— Mike Bickle, Director, IHOPKC

A Seasoned Solider For the Lord
The great revivalist, Leonard Ravenhill, once told me that there is always room for more writers. He was speaking of those who would not waiver. Their pen was sharp, their words penetrating. They would speak pages of truth regardless of the response. They were employed by the Lord, their work was His business. Such is the writing of Jennifer LeClaire. Jennifer is a workman for Jesus. She offers the Holy Spirit tools to distribute.
— Steve Hill, evangelist for the Brownsville revival

Leading Oracle of Righteousness and Justice
Jennifer LeClaire stands today as one of the leading oracles of righteousness and justice. Her prophetic courage stands as an inspiration for an entire generation facing spiritual tyranny on all fronts. She refuses to sacrifice truth on the altar of political expediency.
— Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference

Trained by The Holy Spirit as A Forerunner
Jennifer LeClaire has been trained in the school of the Holy Spirit as a forerunner to be an example of the new normal. I doubt if many true believers will survive when our money fails, war is on our shores and diseases that man cannot cure hit UNLESS they operate in true bible faith. It will not be your stored food and gold that will be the difference maker. Without faith you cannot please God. You are created to move in great faith. Jennifer’s teaching removes the little foxes that spoil the vine and prepares you for the greatest adventure in history. You will not only survive but you will thrive.
— Sid Roth, It’s Supernatural/Messianic Vision

A Prophetic Voice Who Raises A Standard
Thank God for today’s prophetic voices who will raise up a standard against the works of darkness. Jennifer LeClaire has been given an assignment to expose the works of Jezebel and other spirits that work together to destroy the lives of people. Her experience in contending with these unholy spirits will help those in similar situations overcome and receive victory.
— John Eckhardt, apostle of Crusaders Church Chicago

Sound Wisdom and Integrity
I can honestly say that Jennifer covers some very delicate subjects with sound wisdom and integrity … Thanks Jennifer for bringing greater clarity and correctness for prophets and saints who participate in prophetic ministry.
— Dr. Bill Hamon, bishop, Christian International
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