James Goll, one of my mentors, taught me about strategic places to pray in the world. With a population of 7 million and 128 languages spoken here, South Florida is recognized internationally as a gateway to the world. When we pray from this place, we are positioned to impact the nations.

James also released prophetic word that God would use my ministry to redig the wells of revival that Derek Prince opened up when he was headquartered here. I will not rest until we complete our mission to see a day-and-night global prayer hub fulfill this mission in our region.

Intercessors, musicians, songbirds, I want to mentor you, train you and release you into your high calling. I’m looking for Elishas to pass on my mantle while I’m still young enough to run with you! I want to train and equip you to step into your high calling and leave a legacy.

I need your help. Will you come South Florida as an intercessory missionary? Whether you are here on a short-term internship or want to move here to dig with us long-term, your time at AHOP will be a transformative experience for you.

I’m looking for hunger ones–young and old–to share my knowledge on the prophetic, prayer and more. I want to teach you the secrets that mothers and fathers in the faith like Cindy Jacobs, Mike Bickle James Goll, Dutch Sheets, Steve Hill and many others personally taught me.

Will you join the movement?

Intercessory prayer is essential to laying a foundation for revival, breaking blinders of lost souls, forming Christ in disciples, backing up deliverance ministries and more. Oswald Chambers said, “Prayer does not fit us for the greater work; prayer is the greater work.”

 At Awakening House of Prayer, we’re for 100 intercessory missionaries to labor in our prayer room day and night—singers, musicians, gatekeepers, sound technicians, video editors and others that support the cause. This may be your calling for a season or a lifetime. It’s a blessing to stand in the place of intercession and to cooperate with the grace of God to see lives and cities changed.

What do Intercessory Missionaries do in Prayer Rooms?

1. We minister to God by declaring His worth unceasingly, reflecting the way He receives worship continually in heaven (see Matthew 6:10). We magnify the supremacy of Jesus, spreading His fame by declaring His worth, beauty, and riches, calling others to love and obey Him and give their allegiance to Him. Millions of people across the nations join the choirs of heaven by ministering to God in this way. He is worthy.*
2. We labor in intercessionfor the release of God’s power to win the lost, revive the Church, and impact society, while also engaging in works of justice and compassion. *
3. We grow in intimacy with Godby personally encountering Him through His indwelling Spirit, receiving greater grace (see James 4:6) to love, obey, and partner with Him, as we are fascinated by who He is.*
4. We grow in the understanding of God’s Word, gaining insight into His will, ways, and salvation and learning about the unique dynamics of His end-time plan to transition the earth to the age to come. We serve others in an important way by taking the time and effort to grow in our understanding of the Word, that we may help others understand God’s heart and will for this hour of history. *
 At Awakening House of Prayer, we’re for 100 intercessory missionaries to labor in our prayer room day and night—singers, musicians, gatekeepers, sound technicians, video editors and others that support the cause. This may be your calling for a season or a lifetime. It’s a blessing to stand in the place of intercession and to cooperate with the grace of God to see lives and cities changed.

Will You Join Us?

14 + 11 =

*This language was borrowed from IHOPKC.

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Main Campus Location

12950 W State Rd 84 , Davie FL 33325

This is not a prayer line. Please send prayer requests to prayer@awakeninghouseoprayer.com