Awakening House of Prayer’s church was birthed in intercession. We are a prophetic church and definitely not church-as-usual. It’s a place where you can come and experience the supernatural presence and power of God. We have labored to build a habitation for the Holy Spirit, a safe environment where Jesus is exalted and where the Father is reverenced.
You can expect prophetic worship, prophecy and words of knowledge at altar calls, a solid word that will inspire your faith and challenge you to rise up and walk in God’s perfect plan for you, and a community of passionate believers contending for the Lord’s will in our region and in the nation.As a prophetic church, we believe in all the gifts of the Spirit and equipping believers to operate in those gifts through one of the many spokes in our hub, including healing rooms, prophecy rooms, prayer rooms and deliverance rooms.Come as you are and believe God with us for transformed lives, families and cities in our region for the glory of God.
Awakening Church currently meets on Sundays at 10:47 a.m. & 1:30 p.m. Our midweek Bible study with our pastors is Wednesdays at 7 pm, and youth meets Friday nights. Children’s ministry is available during Sunday services. Our Healing Rooms meets second and forth Thursdays of every month. Our Prophecy Rooms are open most Fridays, except during special events.
What to know more about what to expect? Check out this page.
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