At our training session, a woman was healed from terminal cancer, verified by a doctor’s report. Our ministry team is here to serve the community and the Body of Christ while contending for all that Christ promised the church would move in, “the works that I do shall you do also and greater works than these” (John 14:12). We minister:
A salvation message
The healing word
The anointing that empowers the word
Prayer and deliverance of the sick
An impartation for healing to the local church
We are excited about what God is doing in the church in this hour around the world. We feel that there is no price too great to pay to be part of it; our cry is “more Lord!”
Remember, Jesus said: “And these signs will follow those that believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; … they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover” (Mark 16:17-18).
Our Healing Room hours are 7 to 9 pm Friday nights.
When you arrive, you’ll be asked to sign in. We pray on a first-come, first serviced basis.
Register online at jenniferleclaire.org/events.
I was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer and I came for healing prayers at [Awakening Healing Rooms]. Many different prayer warriors prayed for me and taught me how to pray. I also received the baptism of the Holy Spirit there as well.
Back in September, I received a great miracle. I was dealing with constant pain around my left hip area. It was plaguing me for about three months all the while when I was at the healing rooms. It progressively was so bad that I was unable to sleep. I began taking a morphine based pain med to alleviate my pain. I would squirm around all night. I then went to Sloan in NY for a procedure to put in a pump that would direct chemo meds directly into my liver since they had seen two new spots in my liver.
We went to Sloan right after attending your healing seminar. Anyway as I woke up from the surgery, I had a verse rolling around in my head constantly. It was from Philippians, “and the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and mind in Christ Jesus.”
As soon as I woke up Frank had to deliver bad news which was that I was not a candidate for that treatment because they had found additional disease. But oddly I had that peace that surpasses all understanding. And while I recovered in the hospital walking the floors I encountered many other patients in similar predicaments. We began laying hands on the sick and praying for healing. I even prayed for my roommate who was a Muslim. We were so bold and empowered while there and because of just attending your seminar.
I saw my oncologist yesterday and I have been receiving 12 chemo treatments. I had a pet scan in January and they never called me with the results. I considered calling them but decided that that report really didn’t matter because I only listen to the report of the Lord. So I finally received the results yesterday and the doctor said that it was perfect. They saw nothing.
The conclusion at the bottom said metabolic resolution of previous metastases!! And the doctor mentioned something to me that I wasn’t even aware of. He said that the spot they saw in the pelvic area is also gone. Now I realize that was the cause of my pain all along. So really what that tells me and what I believe is that that day in September I was healed of cancer along with the pain!! At that point, I had only received one chemo treatment. I know the medical community will take credit for my healing because of the chemo but I know different. I am giving God all the glory.
Laura M.
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